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Sarah Bohm is the deceased mother of Jacob Bohm, and wife of Martin Bohm. She was a stockbroker who died during the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center.


Sarah was a successful, highly-paid New York City stockbroker, who worked on the 87th floor of the World Trade Center's North Tower on 9/11, and had apparently been rendered nearly unconscious from blood loss by the time NYFD firefighter Randall Meade found her. Meade carried her as far as the 56th floor before checking her pulse and realizing she had died. Her side of Jake's family is wealthy, and upon her death Martin made them deposit her money into a trust for Jake so they would see he wasn't interested in it.

Sarah also began a friendship with a paper boy named Bobby Aresa and helped tutor him with Math in order for him to pass his GED. Aresa felt that he never got the chance to repay her, but Martin informs him that he already did after he saves Jake's life after he falls from the side of the apartment building.


Main article: 318

No known connection to the number 318 at this time.


Season 1[]

